ADDITIVE 3D offers 3D printing services in SLA (stereolithography), SLS (selective laser sintering), FDM (deposition modeling wire fusion), DLMS (direct metal laser sintering), Polyjet (Inkjet and photopolymer technology) .
ADDITIVE 3D also propose the innovative printing technology ColorJet Printing Plastic VisiJet C4 Spectrum 3D printer produced by Project 4500 at 3D Systems. This printer allows ready to use, flexible and robust, products with high-quality surface, in full colour with almost a million colors.
These technologies allow us to quickly create realistic prototypes and make customized finished products.
ADDITIVE 3D offers 3D modeling service. Our 3D designers and technicians will virtually design any 3D object from your drawings, photos or 2D plans. We use powerful professional 3D software that will quickly test the adaptation and functioning of prototypes or finished products.