The Multi Jet Printing technology used by ProJet® 3D printers is a process that uses ultraviolet light bulbs and photopolymer materials.
As in stereolitography, UV are used to solidify the resin but instead of polymerizing it with a laser; printing heads send very fine drops of resin to form the first layer.
Then a UV lamp solidifies the resin, solidifying the shape of the object. Finally, the printing tray descends from the height of a print layer and the process repeats until the part is completely finished.
This technology requires no additional finishing treatment.
The 3D Systems Multijet Printing (MJP) process prints accurate plastic parts with high resolution, it is ideal for functional prototyping, fast tooling and many other applications.
Print rigid or flexible parts with ABS-like plastics and real elastomers for real functionality and performance.
Finished objects can easily be painted, pierced, chromed or used as foundry models.
Multijet technology is well suited for the construction of fully assembled prototypes as well as the printing of complex geometries, including many details.