Additive 3D > 3D printing > 3D printing technologies > Stereolithography




What is the SLA technology ?

Photopolymerization of the resin is initiated by a single ultra-violet ray or visible light in the frequencies. The absorption of light by the liquid limits the thickness of polymerization to a few tenths of a millimetre. This corresponds approximately to the thickness of the layer.

There are as many cycles as the number of layers necessary to obtain the entire volume of the object. At the end the piece is kiln-dried to maximize the strength of the material.

3D stereolitography or SLA printing tray

Stereolithography offers many advantages:


-It offers a very smooth surface condition and high precision of printed parts.

- Allows models to be made for cast moulding.

- Ability to print the finest details and to manufacture and transparent parts.

Resins types we propose:


We offer several printing resins for stereolitography, each offering different advantages and features.

The Accura Clearvue for example gives a transparent result while the Accura Xtrem provides extreme resistance and the Accura 25 simulates the properties of polypropylene.

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