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Colorjet Printing 3D Printing


Color printed parts - model - prototype

Examples of 3D multicolor printed Figurines & Prototypes (Colorjet Printing)

What is the CJP - Colorjet 3D Printing technology?

Technology ColorJet Printing (CJP) uses two essential components: the flexible and robust plastic Visijet C4 Spectrum and binders cyan, magenta and yellow colors that incorporate the colors pixel by pixel and can create almost a million unique colours. 

The material based on a powder is applied by a roller in thin layers on the production platform. After applying each material layer, the binder colour is selectively projected by the ink jet print heads which solidify the material and create the object.

After each layer and successive binder, the printer platform is going down to leave space to the next layer until the model is completed.

Scheme of how it works : 3D Printing ColorJet

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